
The University of Leicester 
University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

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Prof. Jingzhe Pan was born in China but moved to England in 1990. He is a Professor in Mechanics of Materials, specializing in manufacturing of advanced ceramics and design of biodegradable medical implants. His research is about developing and applying computer models to predict the behavior of ceramics at elevated temperatures and that of polymers inside the human body. Prof. Pan is a Fellow of Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining, being awarded the 2018 Verulam Medal and Prize by the IoM3 in recognition of my contribution to advanced ceramics.

He is also the UK Dean of Dalian Leicester Institute (DLI) jointly established in 2017 by the University of Leicester and Dalian University of Technology. DLI has over 1000 students studying in three undergraduate degree programs based in China.

Ever since he came to England, he has continuously pursued teaching and research in UK universities including the University of Liverpool, Cambridge, Surrey and since 2006 Leicester. Over this period, he has developed new degree programs, set up cross-school research themes and managed teaching and research at School and College levels.

Jingzhe Pan has contributed to research in topic(s): Finite element method & Constitutive equation. The author has an hindex of 27, co-authored 77 publication(s) receiving 2038 citation(s). Previous affiliations of Jingzhe Pan include University of Surrey & University of Cambridge.