
Prof. VLADIMIR YUR’YEVICH DOROFEYEV Владимир Юрьевич Дорофеев
Born: December 20, 1956, Novocherkassk, Rostov Region, Russia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technological Machines and Equipment, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) Prosveshcheniya St. 132, 346428 Novocherkassk, Rostov Region, Russia
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1) 1974 – 1979 – Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute (at present – PSRSPU (NPI)) - an engineer with a degree in mechanical engineering technology, machine tools and instruments;
2) 1979 – 1982 – NPI – postgraduate study (specialty 05.02.01 – Materials science in mechanical engineering);
3) 1982 – NPI - defended his thesis in the specialty 05.02.01 on the theme “Study of the formation process of gear wheels from heated porous powder blanks, the structure and properties of their material”;
4) 1990 – defense of a doctoral dissertation in the specialty 05.16.06 (Powder Metallurgy and Composites Materials) on the topic “Theoretical bases for improving the quality of hot-deformed powder materials and products and their implementation”.
Disciplines taught
Structural Materials Technology; Theory of Powder Metallurgy Processes; Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials; New structural materials.
Area of interest
The study of the structure formation of hot-deformed powder materials (HDPM) and contact phenomena on the interparticle surfaces; development of technology for producing powder and layered composite materials by hot deformation of blanks in a solid-liquid state; study of the possibilities of doping and micro-doping, the effects of structural heredity and dispersion hardening in the aspect of further improving the quality of interparticle jointing, the physic-mechanical, technological and operational properties of HDPM of various functional purposes.
Achievements and awards
1) Diploma with honors (mechanical engineer, 1979);
2) The breastplate “Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education” (1997);
3) The honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation” (2007);
5) Over 275 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, 4 manuals and 27 patents.
6) He has supervised 16 B.Sc. and 2 D.Sc. thesis.
Main publications
- Dorofeev V. Yu. Structure and properties of P/M materials forming during hot forging with elements of extrusion // Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. 1985. – Vol. 24. – Issue 7. – Pp. 523 – 526.
- Dorofeev V. Yu., Kosobokov I. A. Deformation of porous materials during hot forging combined with extrusion // Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. 1986. – Vol. 25. – Issue 6. – Pp. 455 – 459.
- Dorofeev Yu. G., Dorofeev V. Yu., Egorov S. N., Gorshkov S. A. Welding on contact surfaces in different technological variants of the hot plastic working of P/M materials // Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. 1986. – Vol. 25. – Issue 10. – Pp. 813 – 816.
- Dorofeev B. Yu., Dorofeev V. Yu., Ivashchenko Yu. N., Malyshenko A. A., Firstov S. A. Binding processes in hot-stamped iron-base powder materials. III. Influence of segregation of impurities on binding processes // Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. 1987. – Vol. 27. – Issue 8. – Pp. 623 – 626.
- Dorofeev V. Yu., Lozovoi V. I. Surface-alloyed hot-forged P/M materials // Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. 1989. – Vol. 28. – Issue 4. – Pp. 252 – 255.
- Dorofeev B. Yu., Dorofeev V. Yu., Ivashchenko Yu. N., Malyshenko A. A., Podrezov Yu. N., Firstov S. A. Formation of properties and interparticular concrescence of hotformed powder materials. I. Influence of the method of obtaining powder materials on the concrescence of particles and on mechanical properties // Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. 1990. – Vol. 29. – Issue 10. – Pp. 789 – 794.
- Firstov S. A., Ivashchenko Yu. N., Malyshenko A. A., Podrezov Yu. N., Dorofeev V. Yu., Zherdin A. G. Interparticle destruction of iron powder materials // Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya. 1991. –Issue 4. – Pp. 78 – 85.
- Dorofeev Yu. G., Dorofeev V. Yu., Eremeeva Zh. V., Goncharova T. V. Effect of characteristics of carbon-containing charge components on structurization and properties of powder hot-strained steels. Communication 1. Nontraditional carbon-containing components and their influence on the charge preparation, pressing and sintering processes // Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya. 1994. –Issue 9-10. – Pp. 94 – 99.
- Dorofeyev V. Yu., Yegorov S. N. The Impure retardation of interparticle joining surface migration // Science of Sintering. – 2005. – Vol. 37. – Issue 3. – Pp. 225 – 230.
- Dorofeyev V. Yu., Dorofeyev Yu. G. The consolidation of a powder material in conditions of combined influence of different technological factors // Science of Sintering. – 2003. – Vol. 35. – Issue 1. – Pp. 13 – 22.
- Vladimir Dorofeyev, Yury Dorofeyev, Alexander Babets, Tatyana Goncharova, Roman Vodolazhenko. Production of Iron – Molybdenum Carbide Composites by Hot Forging in the Presence of Liquid Phase // Euro PM2013 Congress & Exhibition Proceedings. Svenska Mässan. The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre. Gothenburg. Sweden. 15th – 18th September 2013. – European Powder Metallurgy Association, 2013. – Vol. 1. – Pp. 223 – 228.
- Dorofeev V. Yu., Dorofeev Yu. G. Powder forging: Today and tomorrow // Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. 2013. – Vol. 52, Issue 7-8. – Pp. 386 – 392.
- Dorofeev Yu. G., Dorofeev V. Yu., Kochkarova K. S. Special features of distribution of microalloying elements in hot-deformed iron-base powder materials and their influence on the quality of interparticle bonding // Metal Science and Heat Treatment . – 2013. – Vol. 55, Issue 7-8. - P. 433 – 437.
- Dorofeev Yu. G., Dorofeev V. Yu., Serdyuk G. G., Svistun L. I. The quality of hot-stamped powder carbide steel // Steel in Translation. – 2013. – Vol. 43 (5). – P. 331 – 334.
- Dorofeev Yu. G., Baglyuk G. A., Dorofeev V. Yu., Babets A. V. Expansion on Radomyselskii’s Ideas in the Development of Current Processes for Producing Structural Powder Parts // Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. – 2014. – Vol. 53, Is. 3-4. – P. 129 – 138.
- Dorofeyev, V., Dorofeyev, Y., Babets, A., Goncharova, T., Vodolazhenko, R. Production of powder steels by hot forging in the presence of liquid phase of chromium cast iron fusion (Conference Paper) // International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, Euro PM 2015; Reims Congress Centre, Reims; France; 4 October 2015 through 7 October 2015; Code 124663.
- Bessarabov E. N., Yasi M. Q. K., Dorofeyev Y. G., Dorofeyev V. Y. Factors That Affect the Quality of Hot-Forged Bimetallic Powder Products // Metallurgist. – 2014. – Vol. 58. – Issue 5-6. – Pp. 426 – 430. DOI: 10.1007/s11015-014-9927-x.
- Dorofeyev, V., Dorofeyev, Y., Babets, A., Goncharova, T., Vodolazhenko, R. Production of Cr/Mo alloyed powder steels by hot forging in the presence of liquid phase // Euro PM 2014 International Conference and Exhibition; The Messezentrum Salzburg, Salzburg; Austria; 21 September 2014 through 24 September 2014; Code 117821.
- Dorofeyev V., Sviridova A. Mechanical properties and rolling contact fatigue of some hot-deformed powder steels // International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, Euro PM 2013; Gothenburg; Sweden; 15 September 2013 through 18 September 2013; Code 110976.
- Dorofeev Y. G., Dorofeev V. Y., Kochkarova K. S. Fatigue Strength of Microalloyed Hot-Deformed Powder Steels // Metallurgist. – 2015. – Vol. 58. – Issue 11-12. – Pp. 1032 – 1037. DOI: 10.1007/s11015-015-0036-2.
- Dorofeyev V., Dorofeyev Yu., Babets A., Goncharova T., Vodolazhenko R. Hot forging hypoeutectic powder white cast iron in the presence of liquid phase // 2016 World Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, World PM 2016; Hamburg; Germany; 9 October 2016 through 13 October 2016; Code 131600
- Dorofeev, Y. G., Batienkov, R. V., Skorikov A. V., Ganshin A. V. Preparation of Manganese Powder Steels by Hot Forging Porous Workpieces in the Presence of a Liquid Phase // Metallurgist. – 2017. – Vol. 61. – Issue 1-2. – Pp. 139 – 146.
- Dorofeyev Yu., Dorofeyev V. Powder Forging in PSRSPU // Metal Powder Report. – 2018. – Vol. 73. – Issue 2. – Pp. 87 – 93. DOI: 10.1016/j.mprp.2018.02.003.
- Dorofeyev V. Y., Sviridova A. N., Kochkarova K. S. Revisiting the Applicability Question of G.V. Samsonov’s Activated Sintering Concept in Studying Deformation Processes of Powder Materials // Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. – 2019. – Vol. 60. – Issue 5. – Pp. 549 – 554.
- Dorofeyev V. Y. Revisiting Some Prospects for the Further Development of Ideas by Academician V.N. Antsiferov in the Field of Structural Powder Materials // Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. – 2019. – Vol. 60. – Issue 6. – Pp. 682 – 686.
- Dorofeyev Yu. G., Gasanov B. G., Dorofeyev V. Yu., Mishchenko V. N., Miroshnikov V. I., Industrial technology of hot pressing powder products, Moscow, Metallurgiya, 1990, p. 206 (in Russian).
- Dorofeyev V. Yu., Yegorov S. N., Interparticle jointing during the formation of hot-deformed powder materials, Moscow, Metallurgizdat Press, 2003, p. 152 (in Russian).