Леонид Ф. Приядко

Born: April 4, 1944, Ukraine

Institute for Problems of Materials Science National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine


Prof. Leonid F. Pryadko (April 4, 1944, Ukraine) was born on April 4, 1944 in the town of Baryshivka, Kyiv Province. He graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) in 1967 with high honors and degree in Electronics.

He held postgraduate studies at the Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science (IPMS) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) under the scientific supervision of a prof. Grigorii V. Samsonov.

Together with Prof. G.V. Samsonov, Dr. Pryadko developed a new approach to predicting the structure and properties of chemical elements and their compounds, based on the Configurational model of Matter (CMM), proposed by the authors. The principles of this approach are described in monographs: G.V. Samsonov, I.F. Pryadko, L.F.Pryadko, A Configurational Model of Matter (Kyiv, 1971, Belgrade 1972, New York - London 1973, Praha 1976); G. V. Samsonov, I. F. Pryadko, L. F. Pryadko, Electron localization in Solids (Moskow, 1976).

Dr. Pryadko has studied the influence of physicochemical factors on the technological properties of materials associated with their production and processing. These results are reflected in a number of author’s scientific works, including: G. V. Samsonov, M. M. Ristich, L. F. Pryadko and others, The Experience of Generalized Sintering Theory, Belgrade, IGS, 1973;  A. D. Verhoturov, I. A. Podchernyaeva,  L. F. Pryadko, Electrode materials for electrospark alloying, Moskow. "Nauka", 1988.

Dr. Pryadko  proposed a number of theoretical models for the predicting the transport properties of the materials, that are prone to metal-insulator transitions due to the Mott - Anderson localization of the valent electrons: L. D. Diduh, L. F.Pryadko,  I. V. Stasyuk, Correlation Effects in narrow-zone Materials, Lviv, Vyshcha Shkola, 1978.

Before retirement in 2014 Dr. Leonid Pryadko published about 140 Papers and 9 Monographs.

In 1983 Dr. Leonid F. Pryadko was elected corresponding member of IISS and in 2010 he was awarded the Samsomov medal by Ukrainian Materials Research Society.  

 Information given by Andrey V. Ragulya,
Institute for the Problems of Materials Science of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences