Yuri V. Levinsky was born on May 25, 1935 in Moscow, Russia. After graduating from Moscow Institute for Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold "MI Kalinin", he started his research career at the All-Federal Institute of Aerospace materials (VIAM), where he defended his master's dissertation in 1964. From 1972-1976, Levinsky was a professor at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), and from 1976 until the end of his career in Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology (Lomonosov Academy of Fine Chemical Technology), as an Honored Scientist, Prof. Dr., and Head of the Department of "Chemistry and Technology of Nanosize and Composite Materials".
Yuri V. Levinsky made a significant scientific contribution in the field of physical chemistry of powders of high-temperature metals and composite materials, and especially in the study of thermodynamics and kinetics of the interaction of metals with carbon, nitrogen, boron and their solid solutions. He was the first to develop a procedure for calculating and forming pressure-temperature state diagrams and their various cross-sections, for more than 190 metal-based systems. He is the author of more than 300 scientific papers, 20 monographs and practicums, published mainly in Russian. His monograph "Pressure dependent phase diagrams of binary alloys" was published in the USA. Scientific works of Prof. Levinski and his associates have been cited many times in world periodicals. He has lectured at the Vienna University of Technology (Vienna Technological University, Vienna, Austria), Max-Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart, Germany, and also at a number of conferences in Germany, France, Italy, India and many other countries. Prof. Levinski had received significant recognition for his work. He was a member of numerous Scientific Council institutions and editorial boards, and corresponding member of the International Institute for Sintering Science.